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Going to Therapy

Reflecting on an amazing interview with Vanessa Sanford, a licensed therapist at her own private practice.

The past few weeks, I've found myself in lot's of therapist's offices. Not because I'm going to get treated (I have my own counselor for that ;)), but because I'm conducting research interviews with them. Through these interviews, I hope to learn more about what they do and why they do it, as well as what they have to say about my children's book.

My most recent interview was with Vanessa Sanford from Sanford Support Systems, a private practice. Immediately upon arriving at her unique building on Main Street, I felt welcome; not only was the atmosphere refreshing, but there was a small portable library out front. The perfect thing for a writer to see and feel at home!

The building itself was so comfy, but that's not what I need to focus on. Instead, I'd like to highlight the things I learned from Vanessa, such as how diverse therapy can be, and how important children's environments can be to their development. She does cooking therapy, play therapy, and other kinds that I had never even considered, but look very helpful. She also gave me some really great tips on how to cater my book towards kids by showing me some of her favorite children's books.

I'm so happy I got to have this opportunity and I'm so excited to keep in touch with her! I'll dive deeper into our interview in my next interview assessment.

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