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Counting College Visits

This past weekend, I was able to visit three colleges and look into their liberal arts programs. This is what I took from it.

For the longest time, college was nothing but a speck floating in the edges of my mental peripherals. Now, it's rushing at me head on, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Not to say this is a bad thing- but it's a brand-new chapter of my life that I'm outlining right now. It's a little scary, but exciting, and visiting potential colleges has been eye-opening. I visited three this weekend; Southwestern University, St.Edwards University, and the University of Texas. All three are close to Austin, my dream city, and all three have great english and psychology programs.

Austin is the crown jewel of Texas. I've wanted to end up there ever since I visited its six-story-library in middle school. It's the perfect place for creative inspiration. Unfortunately, Southwestern is a little too far from it, and I ruled that out of my top colleges after visiting.

UT was amazing, but HUGE. There were more people staying in one dorm building then there are in Frisco High School. The amount of smart people there was overwhelming, and from what I could see, the competition was crazy intense. I'll always hold a soft spot for UT, but this showed me that I may not enjoy it there as a number.

St.Edwards, however, was absolutely amazing. It was personal, beautiful, and it overlooked the Austin skyline. Everything about it drew me in, and it quickly made its way to the top of my list.

I'm excited to see what my future education holds. In the meantime, I'll be working hard on my original work!

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