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A Visit To Austin

This week, I get to visit Austin.

This week gives me lots to look forward to. Not only do I get the opportunity to visit three colleges on my list, but I also have the privilege to visit multiple libraries and get resources from them. I’m hoping that through my college visits I can further my knowledge in my future career path as well as children's books- but most importantly, I’m excited to see Austin’s seven story public library again!

The Austin Public Library has so many resources for me to use and bring back home. I can’t wait to not only have fun there, but to do a favor to my future self by asking the right questions and taking the right papers. Aside from visiting the library, I would love to visit local bookstores and ask about how they ended up in Austin. Owning a bookstore has always been a dream of mine, and while it may stay a dream, I’d love to talk to those who have been able to make a successful business out of literature.

What I’d really like to see is the community in Austin. It's so vibrant and interesting, and I would love to see how reading and writing contribute to the color that the city holds. I can’t wait to visit!

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